Saturday, May 8, 2010

R2P3D1: weight 173

Good morning phase 3!! I am now officially done with phase 2, yay! I say officiallly because I have been sneaking in a few p3 foods over the past couple days. My weight was 173 yesterday as well. For lunch on Thursday they had a nurses day luncheon and I ate a huge salad with walnuts, strawberries, blueberries and apples- with a rasberry vinagrette. It was so yummy. I also had my phase 2 meal of chicken and brocoli. And then I had 2 small pieces of dessert. I don't remember what I had for dinner. Yesterday I had a grilled chicken BLT salad from wendys with bbacon, cheese and real ranch dressing. I also ate quite a bit of angel food cake (ooops). Then for dinner I had 3 boiled eggs with mayo and hot sauce. They are mexican style, and sound gross but so good!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing so good! Congrats on phase 3!! I love Wendy's BLT salad :) Have a great weekend!! Your weight is wonderful!!
