Wednesday, August 11, 2010

R3P2D25: weight 178.2

I'm up a pound. Told you I suck! Yesterday at our training they served us these gross wraps. I was hungry and didn't plan ahead...I should have left and went to McDonalds for a chicken salad. Then I would be down today! But I ate it. And I ate the veggies out of a pasta salad, but not much pasta~ it was pretty gross too. Then I proceeded to eat the cookie, and feeling grossly unsatisfied ate too much candy that was scattered all over the table. That was probably the stupidest cheat I've had, so NOT worth it! I will do better today!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

R3P2D24: weight 177.2

I have been so busy, and I'm not even working full time yet. My friends think I have dropped off the face of the planet, well I assume that but haven't talked to any of them in weeks , lol! It is a little disappointing how much I suck this round. I am not even at LIW FROM R2. I have. Lost 11 lbs in 24 days. Oh well, its my own fault. But I am back on track now. Next week is going to be chaleenging. We have a lot of trainings/meetings as the school year starts back up, and that means a lot of food shoved in front of us. I have a training today that lunch is included, but have no idea what it will be. I may be skipping lunch!

I was ready to just quit a couple days ago. I was just done. But I went to the forum and found lots of inspiration to keep going, and have recomitted myself. I found 1 post extremely helpful about making permanent changes. It said if you are in P2, just counting down the days until you can have a Big Mac again you are setting yourself up to fail. I realized I was doing that, feeling deprived and sorry for myself. Instead now I am focusing on the yummy stuff I can eat, my health and looking forward to Grammy's mug cake and chicken breast in P3!

Friday, August 6, 2010

R3P2D20: weight 178.6

I have been so busy, I haven't really had a chance to breathe! Its going to be worse when school startsup and I'm back to workk full time. Not to mention I have failed miserably at my goal. I only have 13 days until then. So if I am really, really good I miight be able to hit around 165 before then. I would be happy with that!

You ccan tell from my weight I am still in the same place. I got frustrated after stalling the 3rd day in a row, and ate italian food. I was up 3 pounds, but have brought it back down. So not worth it! I was so sick feeling overnight and the whole next day. I am going to do my best.

Monday, August 2, 2010

R3P2D16: weiight 178.2

Ugh! Exactly the same. I know stalls are expected around this stage. In the game. I ate beef and tomatoes yesterday, and even though I've never noticed a problem with them before I will need to keep an eye on it. I only have 17 days left till I go back to work, and I was hoping I would be in the 150s. It doesn't look possible anymore, I feel like I will be lucky to even be in the 160s. Siigh...oh well. Its all better that 245, right!!?? :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

R3P2D15: weight 178.2

I made it through the twins' party, and didn't eat a thing! I took one bite of a pork carnita, and it was soooo yummy. I really wannted a cupcake and a taco, but I was so good. I even shocked myself! I ate a Wendy's apple chickenn salad for lunch, without bleu cheese, dressing or the pecans. It was good! And I dropped another pound. Yay me!