Thursday, May 27, 2010

R2P3D20: Weight 177

Well, I can't believe tomorrow is my last "official" day of phase 3. And I am right where I need to be at 2 pounds within LIW!! Yay!! Yesterday I ate a few handfuls of M&M's and some kisses with almonds- that was my healthy lunch! And then for dinner we stopped at Purple Burrito and brought home some carne asada nachos. I ate quite a few chips, but all of the toppings were legal. And I still dropped a pound! This gives me hope for phase 4. I plan to pretty much stay in phase 3 mode, with a few additions. Hmmm. What to add first?!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

R2P3D19: Weight 178

Well, I'm still at 178. I had lots of social events over the past week and ate lots of carbs (mostly sugar). I found myself at 183 and did a steak day...lost 5 pounds!! And then this morning I had lost another. As long as I can stay below 180 I will be happy. I am not sure when I will be able to start my next round. I am wanting to ASAP, but summer travel plans may put it off until August.

I am leaving for DisneyWorld in 7 days! I am so excited I can barely stand it. I'm going to try to do mostly protein before I leave. I have also researched menus and have a list of places I can get grilled chicken salads. I do plan to splurge on a few treats, but stick to low-carb for the most part. I am hoping this strategy will keep my weight in the range I want.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

R2P312: Weight 178

Well, I gained about a pound and a half, and am now 3 pounds over LIW. I'm not too worried, because my oldest son graduated last night (YAY!!) and we went out for dinner afterwards. So we ate really late, and I know my body hasn't really had time to process it. I am still planning to do a steak day today, if I can handle it. Right now I feel so stuffed still, so I'm hoping it will be easy. IF not, I'll eat some protein and call it a protein day! I'm hoping to be below LIW after today. I think by the time I lose the water weight from last night and then the steak day results, it might just happen...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

R2P311: Weight 176.6

I am still in my weight range...and shocked! I worked 14 1/2 hours yesterday, and was feeling pretty streesed by dinner-time. I decided to walk to Scramblers and get a perfectly legal omelet, but when I got there they were closed! Their new hours stink! So the only other option without driving somewhere was the gas station. So I went in and decided to get some beef jerky, maybe some almonds....somehow ended up with a bag full of junk! Having the girls with me explains it a little :) So I ate a BBQ beef sandwich, some cheetos. and a package of suzy-q's. I have not had those in forever. I wanted to kick myself, but oh well. In the name of damage control I didn't eat anything else, even though the girls were BEGGING for Andy's custard- and I REALLY wanted some. Nope, didn't stop. I thought for sure I'd be doing a steak day today, but am pleasantly surprised. I NEVER want to do another steak day, the SUCK!!! I'm going to do mostly protein today, but I did bring an apple.

Friday, May 14, 2010

R2P3D7: Weight 175.2

Today is the last day of week 1! I have been stable all week, despite a few "no-no's". Last round I had gained 3-4 pounds right off the bat and did a lot of steak days. I am hoping I won't have to do ANY!! I have learned so much during this diet...I have learned that I can do things in moderation. Before, I would think that if I had one little slip-up, the whole day was ruined so why even try. Or I would sit down and eat nearly an entire package of something. But now I am confident I will not gain the weight back, as I have realized these things about myself. Also, the diet has a remedy built right in, so if I do go a little crazy, I know I can do protein days or steak days to catch up quickly. I plan to do one more round of hCG, probably in August.

Yesterday I ate 2 boiled eggs for breakfast, a cheesetick and some almonds for a snack. Then for lunch I ate a chicken breast that I stuffed with pepper jack cheese, and melted provolone on the top of. I ate a whole avocado with it, and it was soooooo yummers!! Then for dinner I has some salad with real ranch and scallops cooked in butter. Today is a picnic-meeting at my work, and the menu is scary. I brought a bag of BBQ pork rinds (I think I'll just put them on the chip table and share the love, lol! I also brought a mug cake with cream cheese frosting, so I won't be temted to eat the cookies, brownies, cupcakes and all that crap my work will provide. Oh, and I need to remember to get a drink on my way- at Wednesday's meeting everything had HFCS in it- NOTHING was diet friendly...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

R2P3D6: Weight 176.0

Ouch! I gained 2.2 pounds. At least I am still in the window of 2 lbs from LIW though! For lunch yesterday I ate a chicken salad sandwich on a croissant and a big salad that our office had catered in. The croissant was so delicious! I also ate a piece of key lime cheesecake. Then for friend and I split a turkey sandwich on a roll and a piece of chocolate meringue pie. It was good!! I did good the rest of the day...ate an omelet for breakfast and a chicken breast for dinner. But I was eating some "pork rinds" last night with dh (he had fried them up fresh) and after eating A LOT of them he made a comment about me being aloowed to eat them. I was like "of course, they're just pork fat...." and he said they were not. Turns out they were duros de harina- harina meaning FLOUR!!!! Arghhhhh! So I googled them and sure enough, there are more than 30 carbs per ounce. I could kick myself. Oh well, at least I don't have to do a steak day and my weight is still in the "OK" range! Whew!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

R2P3D5: Weight 173.8

Yay! I'm back in the 173's :)

Yesterday I had lots of creamer in my coffee, an omelet with ham and cheese and some almonds for breakfast. For lunch I had a big salad with REAL RANCH dressing (YUM!) some rotisserie chicken with pepper jack cheese melted on it and an avocado. I also ate a sugar-free jello mousse cup. Then for dinner I just had 2 big pieces of steak, and didn't want my veggie. I need to buy some more fuji apples and make sure I'm eating one every day...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

R2P3D4: Weight 174.0

Woohoo! Yesterday I weighed 177, so I lost 3 pounds! I went to Silver Dollar City on Sunday, and gained 2 pounds, so I did a protein day yesterday. At SDC, I did really good for all three meals, but when we went in the candy store they had just made peanut brittle. I took a sample and then the guy said he had bags that were still warm, so....after eating almost half the bag I abandoned it on a park bench. That is the only thing bad I ate, and it was 2 pounds worth! I'm not going to say I'm sensitive to peanuts just yet, as there was a lot of sugar. I'll have to try them alone. For my protein day I ate 2 egg McMuffins sans muffins, 2 grilled chicken breasts, a cheesestick and some rotisserie chicken. I also ate a handful of almonds for a snack. Since I lost a pound over what I had gained, I am pretty excited!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

R2P3D2: weight 175

Well, I'm back at my LIW. I ate some sugar yesterday and not near enough protein. To day I am going to eat mostly just protein and see if I can't go back a couple pounds. I'm not sure why, but 173 sounded so much better, lol! As long as I stay under 177 I will be stabilized and VERY happy!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

R2P3D1: weight 173

Good morning phase 3!! I am now officially done with phase 2, yay! I say officiallly because I have been sneaking in a few p3 foods over the past couple days. My weight was 173 yesterday as well. For lunch on Thursday they had a nurses day luncheon and I ate a huge salad with walnuts, strawberries, blueberries and apples- with a rasberry vinagrette. It was so yummy. I also had my phase 2 meal of chicken and brocoli. And then I had 2 small pieces of dessert. I don't remember what I had for dinner. Yesterday I had a grilled chicken BLT salad from wendys with bbacon, cheese and real ranch dressing. I also ate quite a bit of angel food cake (ooops). Then for dinner I had 3 boiled eggs with mayo and hot sauce. They are mexican style, and sound gross but so good!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

R2P2D71: Weight 174.2 VLCD#2 (no hCG)

Yay! I stayed the same! I was worried I might gain a little. Yesterday we had a cook-out at work, and I wasn't as strong as I had hoped. I ate a cheeseburger, small piece of pie and a brownie. Considering all the choices, I'm surprised I didn't eat more. And then the rest of the day I kept repeating "damage control" every time I would think about just blowing it since I had already. Then for dinner I just ate a delicious steak! I think I helped control the damage :)

OMG!! I am STARVING today. And my stomach is growling (loudly)for the first time in forever. I have not felt real hunger in so long, it is killing me. I think that maybe the hCG leaves your system faster when you use sublingual...I'll have to check on the forum. I'm going to go ahead and eat an apple, but I sure as heck hope I am not starving like this for both days...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

R2P2D70: Weight 174.2 VLCD#1 (no hCG)

Well, I was hoping to be down more, but I will take it! I had planned for today to be my last, but forgot to bring my dose with me, so yesterday was LIW of 175. A nice, round number. And it is a nice number!! Exactly 70 pounds lost! I never thought this day would come. Today is going to be hard, although I don't expect to be hungry as there should still be hCG in my system. We are having our company cook-out today and a burger sounds so yummy! There are also tons of cookies, brownies, chips and other junk food sitting in the kitchen. Be strong, be strong!!

Yesterday for lunch I had the miracle noodles and shrimp again, and some strawberries. Then for dinner we went to subway and I got the oven roasted chicken breast, lettuce and a few tomatoes. Can't wait until Saturday, mug cake, here I come!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

R2P2D69: Weight 175.0

Whoo-hoo!! This is the lowest I've been! Almost two pounds, I'm hoping for a repeat performance tomorrow, lol! TOM finally showed up, and really made yesterday hard on me. DH asked when I was going to stop putting hormones in my body and I snapped back that these are different hormones making me crazy right now!! I was soooo ready to just got to bed so it would all just go away. I was also ready to quit and eat everything in sight! Today I'm feeling better, especially after the awesome weigh-in! I couldn't get back to sleep after my 3 am pee-break, so I finally gave up and came into work at 5:30 [eeek]. I'm sure going to feel it when I get off at 6 PM!!

For lunch yesterday I ate shrimp sauteed with onions and miracle noodles. They were so yummy!! I put some hot pepper seasoning on it and it was delish! I ate my apple for a snack. I was hungry early, and having some head-rush problems (I've been asking about it on the forum), so decided to have my dinner early. Chicken breast and brocolli. Mmmmmm. It was about 5:30. Then on the way home I got chinese for the kids, since I wasn't hungry. But shortly after arriving home, I became so irritable and they were all driving me CRAZY!! I just wanted to eat every single carb I could find. Instead, I ate about 6 pieces of cashew chicken and a handful of cashews. I was really worried about the cashews because so many people have trouble with them. Maybe I will be lucky :D

Monday, May 3, 2010

R2P2D68: Weight 176.8.

Only half a pound...sigh. Well, at least it is moving in the right direction. I really need to average a pound a day in this last stretch! I want to get as low into the 170's as I can. That way, if I gain a little back I will still be in the 170's :0) I figure I may lose a few pounds on the last 3 days, so possibly 5 more pounds. Here's hoping!

Yesterday for lunch I wasn't hungry so I ate an apple. The girls and I went shopping and I planned to get a salad from McD's or Wendy's. Completely forgot about it! So we stopped at McD on the way home. I didn't get anything, but ate a big salad and steak when I got home. I am so excited about P3. It's just around the corner!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

R2P2D67: Weight 177.4.

Yay! I'm actually down 3 pounds today! I was up 2 yesterday to 180.4. Friday at work we had an italian lunch fundraiser for Relay for Life. I paid my donation and just ate salad. I was so proud of myself...but then I saw the dessert table. of the ladies made a white texas sheet cake. I had never experienced the wonderfullness of this cake before. Next thing I knew, I was eating my second piece. Then I went out for Mexican with my girlfriends...I ate chips with queso and guacamole, and then didn't eat any of my fajitas. I was so stuffed!! We sat at that table laughing and having a great time for 4 hours!! It was so worth it :)

I didn't take my drops very consistently, as this morning I have enough for 4 full days. So my plan is to continue through Wednesday...then Th-Sat VLCD, then Sunday start P3. That will be perfect because my dh likes to go to breakfast on Sunday mornings, AND it's Mother's Day. So I plan to have a big omelet for breakfast. We're going to a theme park also, and it will be somewhat difficult to find low-carb oferings...but last time the funnel cake made me feel ill so I won't have a problem avoiding it at all this time!!