Wednesday, April 21, 2010

R2P2D57: Weight 175.6

1.2 pounds! Yay! This puts me at a total of 70 pounds lost!! I am so excited! I realized my round is going to end sooner than I had thought. I remixed a new batch a couple days ago, and will just go until it is out. That should be about 12 or 13 more days (I think). I am very excited to be so close to phase 3, where I can eat mug cake and avocados again! I am also bummed that it is so close, because I won't make my goal of being in the 150's. But I am coming to peace with it, I will continue to lose inches and already look sooo much better than before!! Yesterday for lunch I had chicken, broccoli and strawberries. Then for dinner I had some tilapia cooked in apple cider vinegar. I was going to eat some zucchini, but never got around to it.


  1. Wow, that is awesome!! You are halfway through the 170's!! You are doing so great!!

  2. Awesome! That is my goal for this round!
