Saturday, April 3, 2010

R2P2D39: Weight 180.4

Another 1.4 pounds! I can hardly believe it! I now weigh what my license has said (untruthfully, of course) for about 10 years! I am so excited that I will be in the 170's tomorrow for sure! I am hoping this will motivate me to not cheat. Yesterday I had chili for lunch with strawberries. Then for dinner I had a 4 egg white scramble with onions and tomatoes cooked in a tiny bit of coconut oil. I have my sons bday party today, I hope I can stay on track!

1 comment:

  1. How awesome!! It is your time to get into the 170s!! Just remember, you can always eat cake later. Now is the time to get into the 170s and even lower for Disney!! I hope your son has a great 16th bday party!!
