Thursday, March 25, 2010

R2P2D31: Weight 185.2

I lost .8 pounds! I was stalled yesterday at 186, and too busy to update. I'm excited to be down, because I cheated yesterday for lunch. I ended up eating boneless wings from the WalMart deli that were covered in general sauce. I'm sure it is loaded with sugar. I also ate about 4 GS cookies. I wanted to go ahead and eat a Big Mac for dinner, since I had already cheated, but remembered what my friend told me..."damage control". SO- I decided to go with that. For dinner I only ate an apple and some rotisserie chicken. I didn't feel like eating my zuchinni. Glad it worked!! Thanks Elizabeth :)


  1. Well, you and I are stuck together. I should take back my comment from the other day, because these little cheats are killing us!!! We have both wasted a whole week plus from a little cheating here or there. We would both be in the 170s by now if we didn't!!! Resisting that pb&j is a killer! The lick here and there makes such a difference. :(

  2. Yes!! I am so happy for you!! You are thinking "skinny" now and that is why you are skinny :) Enjoy your weekend. I get to weigh tomorrow and see where I am at. The only cheat I did was a piece of low carb cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory with a salad so hopefully it doesn't set me back!!
