Wednesday, March 10, 2010

R2P2D17: Weight 187.0. :<)

Yay! I am steadily going down! I am finally at the 30 pounds lost mark! Well, 30 pounds lost on hCG. I had lost 25 pounds on Herbalife prior to starting this, so I have lost 55 pounds total! I went from a tight size 20 to now wearing a size 14! I feel great! Yesterday I ate a chicken breast and brocolli for lunch. I was too full to eat my strawberries. Then for dinner my dh wanted cashew chicken. It smelled so good. I wanted to cheat and eat it, but instead I just ate one piece of chicken. Then, I had a lean ground beef patty smothered in spicy mustard and cucumbers, and an apple. And I'm down 2 pounds today! It was so worth NOT giving in to that cheat!!!


  1. It looks like you started right about where I was (well you were 10lbs lighter). I can't WAIT to see the 180's again, it's been at least 15 years!! You are doing GREAT!

  2. Great Job! I am hoping for 180s by Monday (or sooner).

  3. I was so thrilled to see ONE-derland when it finally happened! It had been so long since I had been here! But yes, the 180's feel great! I can't even imagine what the 170's will be like :) Good luck to you both, you'll get here!!!
    Thanks for the posts!
